About the project

There is a tremendous societal pressure to lower sugar and sweetness levels in foods. According to the WHO, exposure to a diet lower in sweetness facilitates the adaptation to low sugar diets, and therefore also prevents weight gain. However, the resilience/flexibility of sweetness preferences and the impact on diet quality and energy intake is a fundamental gap in knowledge despite several undocumented narratives by institutes and media sources. Moreover, recent studies do not find a relationship between sweetness exposure and sweetness preferences, and sweetness exposures and body weight status among individuals. 


To assess the effect of 6 months regular, low and high dietary sweetness exposure on sweetness preferences, food intake, glucose homeostasis and body weight in healthy adults.


Unilever Foods Innovation Centre Wageningen, Bournemouth University, Wageningen University & Research, Arla, Firmenich, Cosun Nutrition Center, ABA (American Beverage Association), ISA (International Sweetener Association), Sinosweet, Apura Ingredients, Cargill. 

Project leader/contact person
Prof.dr. de Graaf (WUR), kees.degraaf@wur.nl 

Time period

Total budget
1.8 M euro 

# PhD